
Viscosity calculator
Viscosity calculator

viscosity calculator viscosity calculator


Registration takes just seconds and only requires name, company and email address. More detailed results, including graphs (some in 3D), can be accessed by logging in (existing users) or registering (new users). The use of any of the calculators' results is at the user's sole risk. (The calculator on this site is for informative purposes only and we make no claims as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of the results produced by our calculators. A centipoise is one millipascal-second (mPa·s) in SI units. Calculator for kinematic viscosity extrapolation according to ASTM D341. The poise is often used with the metric prefix centi. This free-of-charge Webtec app is the company’s ‘light’ version. Car tyre size calculator Currency Frequency Numerals Paper size Pressure Translate TV & monitor size SUPPORT US Share Centipoise (cP), dynamic viscosity. To see the effects on viscosity of fluctuations in temperature or pressure, the user simply alters the values in these fields accordingly, making hydraulic measurement and control easy to achieve. Using Webtec’s app, engineers simply select the oil being used, along with the system temperature (☌) and pressure (bar), hit the ‘submit’ button and up pops the viscosity (cSt). This tiny calculator tool makes it easy to carry out viscosity indexmixing oil or KV-T calculations for petroleum fluids, such as lubricants, fuels.


These oils are most-often badged in terms of their ISO number or grade, where common grades for hydraulic circuits include ISO 32, 46 and 68. The calculator is valid for pressure values between 1 - 250 bara and temperature values between 80 - 2500 K. Hydraulic fluid suppliers provide oils with different viscosities. The 'Air Viscosity Calculator' can be used to quickly estimate viscosity of air in centipoise for the specified temperature and pressure conditions. Webtec has launched a new on-line hydraulic oil viscosity calculator app which calculates the viscosity of hydraulic oil at different pressures. Kinematic viscosity English translation: Kinetic viscosity is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of a liquid to the density.

Viscosity calculator