The colon separates start and end index, the dash separates the languages, and space separates the words. Alignment is returned as a string value of the following format-–-]. The alignment information is only provided when the request parameter includeAlignment is true. * alignment- An object with a single string property named proj, which maps input text to translated text.

The transliteration object is not included if transliteration does not take place.

script- A string specifying the target script.transliteration- An object giving the translated text in the script specified by the toScript parameter.text- A string giving the translated text.
to A string representing the language code of the target language.The size of the array matches the number of target languages specified in the to query parameter. translations- An array of translation results.The detectedLanguage property is only present in the result object when language auto-detection is requested. The score is between zero and one and a low score indicates a low confidence. score- A float value indicating the confidence in the result.language- A string representing the code of the detected language.detectedLanguage- An object describing the detected language through the following properties.A result object includes the following properties. The entire text included in the request cannot exceed 5,000 characters including spaces.Ī successful response is a JSON array with one result for each string in the input array.The array can have at most 25 elements.Each array element is a JSON object with a string property named Text, which represents the string to translate. Note that you can omit this header if you include the trace ID in the query string using a query parameter named ClientTraceId. Supported scripts are available from the languages methodĪ client-generated GUID to uniquely identify the request. Specifies the script of the translated text. The marker depends on the ProfanityMarker parameter.įor ProfanityMarker=Asterisk, profane words are replaced with ***Įxample Translation (English)- He is a ***.įor ProfanityMarker=Tag, profane words are surrounded by XML tags and Profane words are replaced by a marker in the output. Profane words will be removed from the output without replacement. Profanity will pass from source to target.Įxample Translation (English)- He is a jackass. The accepted values of ProfanityAction are Deleted, Marked and NoAction (default).

The option allows you to choose whether you want to see profanity deleted, whether you want to mark profanities with appropriate tags (giving you the option to add your own post-processing), or you want no action taken. If you want to avoid getting profanity in the translation, regardless of the presence of profanity in the source text, you can use the profanity filtering option. The degree of profanity and the context that makes words profane differ between cultures, and as a result the degree of profanity in the target language may be amplified or reduced. Normally the Translator service will retain profanity that is present in the source in the translation. Possible values are: NoAction (default), Marked or Deleted. Specifies how profanities should be treated in translations.